Friday, August 18, 2006

All along I thought it was "Some Puerto Rican Guy"

So with all this fury about John Mark Karr and if he did/didn't kill JonBenet Ramsey it made me think of the South Park episode where Butters' mother tries to kill Butters by driving the car with him in it into a lake and then tells the police "Some Puerto Rican Guy" killed his son after Butters disappears. This was followed by OJ Simpson, the Ramsey Parents and Gary Condit (Chandra Levy "killer") all coming out in the media to blame their accused deaths on "Some Puerto Rican Guy".

If you didn't see the episode it's probably in the top 10 South Park episodes of all time. You can read a great synpopsis of the episode here:'_Very_Own_Episode

Anyway, just taking a look at this guy's picture you can tell he's not guilty.
All his "mug shots" all over the papers had like the perfect lighting on his face. His poses were very contrived, almost like he was mugging for the camera (if you haven't seen, just pick up a paper...any paper in the last 2 days and take a look). If not here's one of the photos that ran in today's Post:

This guy seems like he's an out of work actor who's just itching to play the part of JonBenet's killer in the ABC afterschool miniseries about abduction. Plus we know the rule of any killer with three names is definitely innocent. Don't believe me? Well you shouldn't. Although John Wilkes Booth didn't really kill was another actor playing his part. And James Earl Ray didn't kill MLK (that one is more believable). And Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill JFK. The list goes on and on.

Anyway, this just smells like total B.S. Plus wouldn't this guy wait like 20, 30 years to confess, when he's too old to put in jail so they just put him on house arrest? Maybe that's just me. But I still am willing to bet that 3 years from now, he's starring in the made-for-TV movie of this case.

That's just my two cents. To leave you on a fun's a link to me knocking out Glass Joe in Mike Tyson's PunchOut. Enjoy your weekend!

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