Monday, September 17, 2007

I hate Jewish holidays

Seriously...all you do is eat. And eat. And eat.

I mean I was doing well on my quasi, not really a diet but trying to watch what I eat type of deal. I even felt like I may have dropped a pound or two in the past few days. But kiss that goodbye. That kugel, brisket and turkey I devoured last week? Still trying to work that off. Ribs, bbq chicken, burgers and hot dogs? I'll be feeling that for a while too. Of course the numerous beers I consumed over the weekend didn't help matters much either.

In fact on Sunday I was so bloated I was mistaken for this blimp that was hovering above my neighborhood.

I mean if people thought Britney was fat at the VMA's last week they obviously haven't seen me in a half shirt recently. Nor would you probably want to for that matter. But regardless the sight isn't pretty.

Anyway I know people on occassion visit my blog to get some good food ideas so I guess I should stop bitching about the negative aspects of food (the weight gain) and start talking about the glorious fried goodness I tend to devour on a daily basis (or as Laurie Kendrick so eloquently called me: a Carbohydrate Munching Bastard!).

So I've decided that every Monday I'll have a new feature entitled: "What I ate Last Week". I won't recap every item in its painstakingly caloric detail, but I'll just offer some highlights of things I enjoyed and stuff you shouldn't probably eat yourself...lest you want to look more like Rosie O'Donnell than Kate Moss. But if you are the dieting type, then maybe you can "eat vicariously" through me. Which doesn't sound all that appealing when you think about it...but you get the point.

Anyway, without further adieu...

Item #1: Chicken Parm Hero - Bella Napoli

As I've mentioned countless times before, Chicken Parm is my all time favorite. And very few make it as good as Bella Napoli. The seeded roll gave this week's version a nice added crunch! And to those who complain about the "service" it's a fuckin pizzeria for christ's're not supposed to have friendly service. (Btw LK - let's make sure we hit 'em up when you finally make your long awaited visit to the NYC)

Item #2: Grilled cheese (gruyere) with carmelized onions on toasted rye.

A co-worker got me hooked on 'wichcraft which is an artisan type sandwich shop at the Equinox gym on Park & 33rd (they also have free standing "stands" in Bryant Park). The sandwiches are very tasty and the smoothies are top-notch. Only problem is it's a little pricey so make sure it's not an everyday indulgence. But you do get good bang for your buck...and the sandwich combinations are quite palette pleasing.

So those are the two "highlights" for now. Hopefully this week will be a very "low carb" week for me so I can decompress from the carb fest that was this past weekend. But I'll try to eat one or two tasty morsels for y'all that'll leave you drooling on your keyboard.

Oh and good job by the Yanks last I've said countless times, there's no shock factor for the Red Sox when it comes to Rivera anymore. I'm shocked he didn't blow the save. Seriously. I know he's one of the best closers of all time but when you're facing a team for the 100th time there's no secret. No surprises. I just hope that situation doesn't arise again in the postseason (like it did in 05)...because Ortiz isn't popping out to Jeter in October.

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